Termination of Parental Responsibility

Parental Responsibility Jess Purchase Unit Chambers

There are various routes by which a person can acquire parental responsibility (“PR”) for a child. But what are the options for removing or restricting PR before it automatically ends once the child reaches 18?  In any case, regardless of how PR was acquired, the welfare of the child is the Court’s paramount consideration when determining whether […]

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Redressing the Balance in the Financial Remedies Court

Transparency in the Family Courts

The Family Court system is currently experiencing a sea change with respect to transparency and openness, having long been a secretive and largely misunderstood area of law. We are starting to see strides towards change with the publication of Confidence and Confidentiality: Transparency in the Family Courts. Alongside this, Mostyn J and HHJ Hess, as […]

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It’s New Dawn it’s a New Day…Life after  F v M and Re H-N [2021]

F v M and Re H-N

Understanding Controlling and Coercive Behaviour [‘CCB’]  Now seems like a good time to ask ourselves, ‘has anything changed; are things better?’ Answering that question, I personally think there is more awareness and a better understanding around coercive and controlling behaviour but the profession is still struggling with being consistent in how allegations of this type […]

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