Empower your wellbeing and work-life balance with Unit Chambers

At Unit Chambers, we’re not just a barristers chambers; we’re a supportive community that values your wellbeing, mental health and work-life balance. Our commitment to these crucial aspects isn’t just a policy; it’s the core of our mission to create an inclusive and thriving environment for everyone.

Amjad Kadhim – Unit Chambers Wellbeing Officer

A Caring Community

We understand the significance of building a positive and nurturing community for both barristers and support team members. Our goal is to foster a united and collaborative culture that resonates with every member of our Unit family.

Putting your Wellbeing First

Navigating the complexities of the legal field can be challenging, which is why we’ve crafted a distinctive approach to wellbeing. Our aim is to be the ‘Employer or Chambers of Choice’, prioritising the health and wellbeing of all our staff, pupils and barristers through tailored working practices and services.

We acknowledge that the vitality of our team contributes significantly to the productively and effectiveness of chambers. That’s why we’ve curated an environment that safeguards the physical and mental wellbeing of our team, recognising the various factors influencing our relationship with work.

Invested in Your Growth

As committed Investors in People, we value the growth and development of our team. We believe that equipping our members with skills and knowledge is pivotal in creating a flourishing workplace. From managers to support team members, pupils to junior tenants, we’re devoted to providing mentorship, coaching and training opportunities that enable everyone to excel.

Balancing the demands of self-employment and maintaining a busy practice can be overwhelming. Unit Chambers is here to ensure you find the equilibrium you deserve:

  • Pupils and barristers showing signs of stress can discuss workload and practice management with our Leadership Team
  • We offer a supportive space for members to recalibrate their practice as needed
  • Pupils are encouraged to take time off, avoiding the misconception that overworking impresses supervisors

Prioritising Mental Wellness

Mental wellbeing is a cornerstone of our ethos. Mental health and stress impact major health concerns, underscoring the importance of safeguarding and promoting mental wellbeing within our chambers. We’re committed to fostering a supportive environment that effectively addresses mental health challenges:

  • Our support system provides information, awareness and management skills to tackle mental health and stress-related issues
  • We extend assistance, advice and support to those experiencing mental health problems
  • We champion a workplace culture that upholds the mental wellbeing of all team members

Empowerment through Knowledge

Our dedication to health and wellbeing extends beyond our chambers into the wider community. Regular training sessions cover diverse topics including diversity, stress management and teamwork. Our dedicated Wellbeing Officer, Amjad Kadhim, ensures that initiatives continuously evolve to meet the team’s needs.

Join the Unit Chambers Family

Your wellbeing, mental health and work-life balance are not just priorities – they’re promises. By becoming a part of Unit Chambers, you’re joining a dynamic community that genuinely cares about your wellbeing. We’re here to help you succeed while maintaining your mental and physical health.